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Horizons Announces May 2016 Distributions for its Covered Call ETFs

31/05/16 - 12:00 am

TORONTO – May 20, 2016 – Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. and its affiliate AlphaPro Management Inc. (collectively “Horizons ETFs”) are pleased to announce the distribution amounts per unit (the “Distributions”) for the Horizons ETFs suite of covered call exchange traded funds (the “ETFs”), for the period ending May 31, 2016, as indicated in the table below.

The ex-dividend date for the Distributions is anticipated to be May 27, 2016, for all unitholders of record on May 31, 2016. The Distributions will be paid in cash, or if the unitholder has enrolled in the respective ETF’s dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), reinvested in additional units of the applicable ETF, on or about June 10, 2016.

Ticker Symbol Current Month
Distribution Rate
NAV Change from
Prior Month(1)
Current Month
Prior Month
Absolute Change in
Yield from Prior Month(4)
HEX $0.03180 -1.37% 6.09% 6.03% 0.06%
HEX.A $0.02771 -1.43% 5.29% 5.23% 0.06%
HEE $0.05909 0.62% 5.06% 5.94% -0.88%
HEE.A $0.05006 0.56% 4.26% 5.14% -0.88%
HEP $0.14770 6.28% 6.07% 6.05% 0.02%
HEP.A $0.12763 6.21% 5.27% 5.24% 0.03%
HEF $0.03995 -1.46% 5.88% 5.85% 0.03%
HEF.A $0.03467 -1.53% 5.08% 5.05% 0.03%
HEJ $0.03580 -4.37% 7.27% 7.52% -0.25%
HEJ.A $0.03187 -4.43% 6.47% 6.72% -0.25%
HEA.U $0.05637 -2.36% 6.56% 5.89% 0.67%
HEA $0.05637 1.15% 6.56% 5.89% 0.67%
HEA.V $0.04951 -2.43% 5.77% 5.09% 0.68%
HEA.A $0.04951 1.09% 5.77% 5.09% 0.68%
HGY $0.02424 0.73% 5.29% 5.82% -0.53%
HGY.A $0.02079 0.67% 4.54% 5.07% -0.53%
HNY $0.12986 -2.25% 10.84% 9.89% 0.95%
HNY.A $0.12011 -2.32% 10.02% 9.06% 0.96%


(1) Based on the period April 20, 2016, to May 19, 2016, where the prior month’s net asset value per unit is adjusted to include the prior month’s distribution.
(2) Annualized and based on the applicable May 19, 2016, net asset value per unit which is available at
(3) Annualized and based on the applicable April 20, 2016, net asset value per unit which is available at
(4) The absolute change of the prior month’s previously announced annualized distribution yield to the current month’s annualized distribution yield.
(5) Distributions for Horizons Enhanced Income US Equity (USD) ETF are declared and paid in U.S. dollars, including those listed under the Canadian dollar traded tickers HEA and HEA.A. The approximate Canadian dollar equivalent distribution rates for HEA and HEA.A are $0.07387 per unit and $0.06488 per unit, respectively. For unitholders who hold Canadian dollar traded HEA and HEA.A, distribution payments will typically be converted to Canadian dollars by the unitholder’s account holder.

Each ETF does not have a fixed distribution but pays distributions monthly. Distribution rates are generally based on the average current volatility of the securities held by the ETF, along with any dividend income received, less expenses payable by the ETF. The amount of monthly cash distributions are expected to fluctuate from month to month and there can be no assurance that an ETF will make any distributions in any particular month or months. Monthly distributions will be paid in cash, unless the investor has chosen to participate in the ETF’s reinvestment plan.

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Commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with an investment in products (the "Global X Funds") managed by Global X Investments Canada Inc. The Global X Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Certain Global X Funds may have exposure to leveraged investment techniques that magnify gains and losses which may result in greater volatility in value and could be subject to aggressive investment risk and price volatility risk. Such risks are described in the prospectus. The Global X Money Market Funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or any other government deposit insurer. There can be no assurances that the money market fund will be able to maintain its net asset value per security at a constant amount or that the full amount of your investment in the Funds will be returned to you. Past performance may not be repeated. The prospectus contains important detailed information about the Global X Funds. Please read the relevant prospectus before investing.

Global X Investments Canada Inc. ("Global X") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mirae Asset Global Investments Co., Ltd. ("Mirae Asset"), the Korea-based asset management entity of Mirae Asset Financial Group. Global X is a corporation existing under the laws of Canada and is the manager, investment manager and trustee of the Global X Funds.

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